Friday 28 June 2024

Attic Life: Episode 16 - Death

Benjamin Franklin once said "nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Annoyingly, even after 235 years, he's just as right as he ever was, and this episode of Attic Life looks at the inevitable certainty of death.

Specifically we're looking at the effect that the death of a loved one has on us, and the emotions we feel when that happens. Perhaps surprisingly, amidst the despair and confusion, a little humour can arise, and we allow ourselves the opportunity to smile at the improbability of black humour and why it happens.

Whether you've experienced the passing of a loved one or not, we hope that our frank discussion helps you to rationalise any thoughts you may have or provide some insight into a sad period that enters the lives of so many of us.

You can download Attic Life Episode 16 below, and as ever we welcome your feedback should you choose to leave us a message. We're on Twitter, too.


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