Thursday, 21 April 2022

Attic Life: Episode 15 - Easter and Recent TV

Who said it would be another 18 months before the next episode?

Yes, we're back again with more chat about life and stuff, and today sees us start off with a chat about Easter holidays... except we soon drift into the topic of Christmas TV schedules in the UK which is about as irrelevant as it gets.

Never mind, it gives us a perfect segway into our main topic which is 'Things we've recently watched on TV.' Chris has three programmes to discuss that all have a nostalgic air about them, but very much in different ways. As for Rich, he's willing to discuss the differences in format between Married At First Sight UK and Married At First Sight Australia. The mind boggles...

To round things off, we give you another selection of Top 3's - this time looking at classic fizzy drinks. Tizer, anyone?

You can download Attic Life Episode 15 below, and as ever we welcome your feedback should you choose to leave us a message. We're on Twitter, too.


Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Attic Life: Episode 14 - Birthdays, Soup & Argos Catalogues

We're back! Again! Only 18 months since the last one and this time there's no mention of Coronavirus... OK, so there might be a mention of it, but only a little one.

This time, as it was Rich's birthday when we recorded it, we talk about birthdays past and present, going out for dinner, Berni Inns, Chicken Kievs and all manner of 80s culinary delights.

This causes an offshoot discussion on our favourite types of soup and just what is raw jelly?

Finally, the whole pod is rounded off by about 20 minutes solid of Rich and Chris looking through old Argos Catalogues online, trying to find presents from Rich's past... yep, just 20 mins AUDIO of 2 blokes looking through catalogues... if that doesn't float your boat, nothing will!!

You can download Attic Life Episode 14 below, and as ever we welcome your feedback should you choose to leave us a message. We're on Twitter, too.
