It was Benjamin Franklin who once said "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes" but to those you can also add 'shopping' and 'getting older.'
As luck would have it, those are the exact two subjects that are discussed on episode 3 of
Attic Life ('death' and 'taxes' coming up on a future podcast, no doubt...)
During this edition, Chris talks about how our regular trips to the corner shop have transformed into a pilgrimage to the out-of-town meccas of Tesco, Sainsburys et al. But how much have we changed as people, along with the supermarkets themselves? Chris checks out life at the checkouts...
As for Rich, he's content just to note the passing of time - and the derogatory effect it's had on his body. Fortunately his mind remains intact and willing to believe he's still 22. Is it a common phenomenon for people aged 40 or over, or are your co-hosts just desperate to retain their coolness?
These and other questions are answered in
Attic Life Episode 3 which you can download via
this link, or
via iTunes. As ever, we invite you to let us know what you think about the subjects discussed on this podcast and we look forward to hearing from you.